#89001183 on the National Register of Historic Places, is the Red Bird River Shelter Petroglyphs (15CY52) which are located in the Stinson-Rawlings Park of Manchester, Kentucky. This stone is said to display ancient text in 8 old world alphabets. Nobody is certain of its origins. A sign at this site reads:
This is the famous Red Bird Petroglyph known since pioneer days and enrolled on
the National Register of Historic Sites.On December 7, 1994, this historic stone fell from a sandstone cliff and rolled onto Highway 66 on Lower Red Bird. On December 9, 1994, it was transported here and set up in its home.
At least 8 Old World alphabets are engraved on it. These alphabets were extinct when Columbus arrived in the New World in 1492.
The alphabets are first century Greek and Hebrew, Old Libyan, Old Arabic and Iberian-Punic which probably dates from the 9th century B.C. Ogam, Germanic Runes, and Tiffinag-Numidian are also on this stone.
Of all the hundreds of important, translatable, and published inscriptions in the U.S.A, this is the first one to have been given official protection. Clay County and the City of Manchester have granted protection to this Stone. In doing so, they have obtained a good name and public esteem worldwide.
More information:
My friend T Peter Park snet this on his Myth Group email list.
Did an Ancient Language of Universal Symbols Exist?
> Over the last several years, similar petroglyphs have been identified
> on as many as five continents. They all date from roughly the same
> time-period. In the late 20th century, archaeologists discovered a
> collection of symbols carved in stone as petroglyphs in the Negev
> desert of Israel that appeared to be writing. Dating of these symbols
> showed that they were made over an extended period time, beginning
> around 1700 BC.
> This strange collection of symbols was first examined by Dr. James
> Harris, a petroglyph expert and archaeologist from Brigham Young
> University. He identified the alphabet as being a proto-Canaanite
> system, which successfully translated by using old-Hebrew or
> Thalmudic phonetic sounds.
> Earlier, William McGlone, an amateur archaeologist and retired space
> engineer, discovered the same collection of symbols carved in heavily
> patinated stones surrounding the Southeast town of La Junta,
> Colorado. Dating of the patina corresponded to the same era as the
> writing found in Harkarkom in Israel.
> The petroglyphs in Colorado were photographed and posted on the
> Internet. Within a few years, images of similar petroglyphs were sent
> to the site where the images were hosted, Viewzone, by archaeologists
> and historians from many different global locations. This included a
> huge collection of writing from the Republic of Yemen at the site of
> the palace of the Queen of Sheba.
> Strangely, both the writing in Colorado and Yemen spoke of a similar
> event, possibly related to the Sun, which was prophesied to change
> human civilization. Subsequent translations of sites in Oklahoma,
> Australia and South America have added more details about this future
> event.
> The majority of the petroglyphs have already been verified to be of
> ancient origin, which makes it quite puzzling to experts. How did
> they all have the same language and tell the same story on opposite
> ends of a globe? Perhaps our ancient ancestors traveled more than
> previously thought possible.
> Research is currently being conducted to further validate the
> authenticity and common features of the writing.
Σας ευχαριστω για την τιμη να με προσκαλεσετε στο blog σας,
Hey Daron:
I was looking for the petroglyphs in KY. A friend from Nicholasville mentioned the historic rock with the drawings.
Interesting. Your site is excellent with all the small town pictures, parades, ball parks, fun.
Take care,
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